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Friday FeatureHealthMUSINGS

Friday Feature: Acidic v. Alkaline Body

By August 17, 2021June 20th, 2022No Comments

We have a host of health problems in the United States and the root of many of our issues may be that our pH balance is off. Our pH, which stands for potential of hydrogen, determines if our body is more acidic or alkaline. For optimum health, our bodies need to be more alkaline. When our bodies are more acidic, we may have common problems, like indigestion, chest pains, and belching. The more extreme issues that can come from having acidic bodies, also known as acidosis, are immune deficiencies, cardiovascular damage (such as blood vessel constriction and reduced oxygen), weak bones, kidney stones, and chronic fatigue. I have even heard that a more acidic body is the ripe environment for cancerous cells to grow. Whatever our health problems, making sure our bodies are more alkaline should be a top priority.
Our pH level is based on a scale from 1-14, with the higher numbers representing a more alkaline body. The recommended pH is between 7.35 and 7.45, with 7.4 being considered ideal. To find out your pH level you can buy pH strips from a pharmacy and test your saliva or urine. Regardless of what your pH level is, you should work to create a more alkaline body by eliminating certain foods from your diet and incorporating other foods.
As you may have guessed, acid-yielding foods include animal products, like meat, eggs and dairy. Other culprits include white flour and sugar, artificial sweeteners, beverages with caffeine, and soft drinks. To help alkalize our bodies, we have to consume alkaline-yielding foods like kale, baby spinach, avocados, cucumbers, apples, collard greens, lemons and limes. Green drinks are also great for alkalizing our bodies.
In general, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and less meat and processed food products. Doing so increases the chance of our bodies being pH balanced and decreases the chance of our bodies being diseased.

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