As is the case at the beginning of most years, I had a surge in clientele, people eager to jumpstart their health journey, for 2023. Were you one of those people? If not, you can still make a change. It’s never too late to begin again.
We say, Happy New Year on the first day of the year, but you can always make it a happy new year when you decide to begin anew in the year.
We say, Happy Black History Month and observe heart health, but the truth is blackness and heart health issues that black people have don’t stop in February. Poor nutrition was in February and still is in March the leading cause of cardiovascular issues.
We say, Happy Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, but women, let us make history by changing the health trajectory in our lives, particularly in the lives of you, black women, whose biological age is 7.5 times higher than that of white women due, in part, to stress. Let’s decide to do life differently so we can celebrate our good health.
If you need help starting your year anew, eating better and combating stress to help reverse racial health disparities and other personal plaguing issues, feel free to contact me. It is my job to help set your health aright, to teach you what you need to stay on course and be a witness for the next person who needs to overcome. Come see me so I can see about you. As always, I am
With you on the journey,